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Write like nobody's going to read it. Publish like everybody's going to read it. - Hugh Howe

Edited Image 2014-10-17-18:17:15

Listened to an awesome master class today with Hugh Howey, of "Wool" self-publishing fame. The class was offered as part of James River Writers conference weekend. Not only did he give some useful advice which triggered several ideas to advance my own author platform and publishing opportunities, he was also very personable and authentic - positive in both an encouraging and realistic way, which is hard to pull off for most people nowadays. Some of his basic tips included increasing your email list with people that really want to hear from you, not loading it with so-so fans. (If you're reading this...sign up for my newsletter - I added the signup to the top of each page now per his advice! And, I won't bombard you with boring pleads to buy my stories - which is another tip he gave.) Hugh shared lots of solid nuggets for publishing success and building platform. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the writing you're able to produce...otherwise, you don't even need a platform.

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